Order Like A Pro At A Mexican Restaurant

2 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

On the surface, ordering at a Mexican restaurant seems like ordering at any other restaurant. You find something on the menu that sounds good, tell your server you want that item, and wait for it to come to the table. If you want your Mexican dining experience to be absolutely top-notch, though, you may want to implement some of these ordering tips. Don't skip the chips. Some Mexican restaurants automatically bring chips and salsa to the table. Read More 

Helpful Tips For Booking A Banquet Room For Your Event

13 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are preparing to host a wedding, a birthday party, or some other big party, then you might be looking for the right venue for the party. If this is the case, then you might be planning on booking a banquet room since you might know that these rooms can be affordable, spacious, and otherwise perfectly suitable for all different types of parties. If you're ready to book a banquet room for your event, these tips should help you out. Read More 

5 Caribbean Soups You Have To Try

17 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you enjoy Caribbean food, make sure you explore the whole menu. In addition to some great main dishes, there are also some amazing Caribbean soups that you can enjoy. 1. Fish Tea Fish tea is a dish that is from Jamaica. It is a light soup with fish broth that is usually seasoned with thyme, pepper, and salt. It includes carrots, green onions, bell peppers, and green bananas. As for fish, usually inexpensive and small-sized fish is used in this dish, such as herrings, although the exact fish can vary. Read More 

Four Different Regional Chinese Cuisines

19 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

In the United States, Chinese food is often spoken of as if it is one cuisine. However, China is a very large country, and its cuisine actually varies a lot from region to region. If you want to expand your palate and enjoy Chinese food with a little more knowledge of what, exactly, you are tasting, then keep reading. You'll discover four of the different regional cuisines of China. Cantonese Cuisine Read More